I am running for a third consecutive term to represent Carroll County in the New Hampshire State House in Concord.

Just as the MAGA Republicans have taken over the National Republican Party the New Hampshire Free Staters have exercised undo influence over the Republican Party in New Hampshire, cumulating with their bill last session to have New Hampshire succeed from the Union.

There is much to shore up in Concord and I want to continue to be part of the solution: maintaining affordable health care for our working class families and with reproductive health care placed firmly in the hands each and every woman and her doctor and family; a dire need for expanding affordable housing for our workforce which in turn provides employees for our businesses; getting additional State participation in public school funding and getting control of the so called ‘Freedom Account’ spending which is well above promised expectations and is putting a large dent in the States Education Trust Fund.

My family and I have a long history in New Hampshire initially drawn in by the great skiing. Both my son and daughter graduated form the University of New Hampshire and both were captains of the Alpine Ski team in their day.

MY working days were in the financial services industry following a degree in economics. I currently serve on the Jackson Trustees of Trust Funds board. In the State House I have served two terms on the Commerce Committee and find the position both challenging and rewarding. I am also proud to have the endorsement of the New Hampshire Teamsters Union.